

The main Cocy package.


const cocy = new Cocy(options?);


See CocyOptions.ts.


Files are stored as a map at cocy.files. You can for example get a file by its absolute path using cocy.files.get(absolutePath).

The properties of each file object are described here.

// it's a map - don't forget `values`
for (const file of cocy.files.values()) {



cocy.use(plugin, ...options?)

The plugin function will be invoked, allowing it to register hooks on the instance. The cocy instance will be passed as the first parameter, followed by all specified options.


Search for files and add them. Promise is fulfilled, once all files have been found and transformed by registered plugins.


cocy.resolveAsset(asset, file, key?)

Resolve an asset using the asset resolver. If a key is specified, it will be added to the file’s asset map and can be retrieved by using file.assets.get(key). See Assets below for more.


Start watching for file-system changes.


Stop watching for file-system changes.


You can hook into events on the instance. See the Houk API docs for more info on event listeners.

cocy.on('fileAdded', (file: CocyFile) => {
	// we got a new file!
Event Parameters Description
fileAdded CocyFile A new file was added.
fileRemoved CocyFile A file was removed.
fileUpdated CocyFile A file’s content was changed.
fileChanged CocyFile Any of the upper events occured to a file.
assetAdded CocyAsset, CocyFile, CocyAssetKey A new asset was added. See Assets below for more.


Allowing files to reference assets is often a basic requirement for content-based sites. For example, you might have a blog post like this in Markdown format:

I went to Hamburg last summer:


Let’s use the image tag as an example. By default, the file URLs will be kept, resulting in <img src="./hamburg.jpg">. Depending on your environment, this might not be desirable. To transform the file URLs, you can listen for assetAdded events:

import path from 'path';

cocy.on('assetAdded', async (resolve, asset, file) => {
	// here, asset is "./hamburg.jpg"
	// file is the Cocy File object

	if (asset.startsWith('./')) {
		// it's a relative file path!
		// use the file's path as a base

		const absolute = path.join(file.path.absolute, '..', asset);

		// in this example, we might want to use an image cdn
		const url = await myCdn.upload(absolute);

		// url might be

This would result in <img src="">.